It was really a blessing to have so many families in worship last Sunday!

Dear Congregation,

 It was really a blessing to have so many families in worship last Sunday as we honored our young people who recently were graduated from educational levels from university down to fifth grade. Each of them shared with the congregation her/his next step. We rejoiced with them at what they’d accomplished, despite pandemic times, and blessed them with a prayer as they move on to the next phase in their life’s journey. Colorfully wrapped gifts from the church were passed out by our Board of Christian Ed. Chair, Judy Carlson. Inside were water bottles filled with candy symbolizing the living water to be found in Christ, and the sweetness there is loving and serving others. Our hope for them is that they will always be part of a loving church family.

This Sunday after worship there is an important Congregational Meeting for members in person in the Sanctuary and on ZOOM. The congregation will be brought up to date on progress made by the Property Planning Task Force. Joseph Colletti, the property attorney representing the church, will be present to answer any questions. A congregational vote will be taken regarding church property. I do hope you will make it a priority to be present in person or on ZOOM.

Our Administrative Assistant, Michelle Simone, continues to be hospitalized, She and her mother are very grateful for the support by the congregation. We are hoping to find someone soon to work as a temporary substitute in her position. Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to help with the work that would usually be done by our Administrative Assistant.

Thank you to Lorrie and Isabella LeGrand and to Anasofia Godley Juarez for putting together this monthly newsletter. Be sure to share any news you’d like added in the future with Lorrie and me.

May God bless you as we move into summer, and may God continue to lead CCC into a faithful future.

In Christ’s love,

Pastor Candy

click here to download this week's bulletin!