You need look no further for clarity and purpose!

“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness

and the world’s deep hunger meet.” 

― Frederick Buechner


Among today’s scripture selections, one tells the story of Elijah, worn out by political maneuvering, isolated and afraid. At the very end of his rope, Elijah was ready to give up. God did not give up on him, though, and spoke to him, giving him clarity and a renewed sense of purpose. Strengthened, he was able to go back out to follow God’s way. How about you? Are you also feeling isolated and weary? If so, take heart. God is near! Listen for God’s guidance as you remember that your actions and your voice matter now more than ever.

You need look no further for clarity and purpose than the many Our Faith, Our Vote resources available online from the Justice and Local Church Ministries advocacy office in Washington DC. There, you will find nonpartisan resources that will help you study issues through the lens of your faith and conscience, as well as get information on how church communities may and may not legally be involved in this congressional election year.

Sandy Sorensen, director of the Justice and Local Church Ministry Washington DC office, advises that churches can legally “hold voter registration drives, take action for democracy protections, and generate voter mobilization as we near midterms — including rides to polls, getting folks registered, etc. It will also be critical in these divisive times to establish relationships with state and local elections officials to support fair elections…Urge legislators to pass democracy protections. Engage in media advocacy around voting rights in your community through op-eds, letters to the editor, social media and other outlets. Learn what your state legislature is doing to change election laws in your state.”*

The UCC is a longtime supporter of the Poor People’s Campaign, and its actions to ensure equal access to elections, including marches near the date of Juneteenth, which have taken place both on the ground in local cities and online in the past few years. Find out what the Poor People’s Campaign has planned in your area, if you would like to connect with others interested in these issues.

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