We know this is a Lent-like-no-other in this time of pandemic protocols!

Dear Congregation,

I hope and pray that things are well with you as we journey toward the Second Sunday in Lent. We know this is a Lent-like-no-other in this time of pandemic protocols, but this has also become a Lent-like-no-other for CCC because of the two recent break-ins and robberies we’ve had. In the past, we’ve recognized that we’ve been fortunate, seemingly in a protected bubble, to escape such things happening on church property. However, the feeling that church grounds are safe at night when people are not around is now gone. Steps have been taken to address this new reality with a security assessment done and plans for implementation of recommendations. We will not be so vulnerable in the future.

When the security professional met with me on Thursday, his trained eye noticed a footprint in the mud outside my office window broken by the intruder. The security professional also pointed out half a muddy footprint on the windowsill inside my office where the thief had boosted himself in. Seeing these, the intruder became real to me. As I went over the list of things that were taken with the security person, he had some theories about the thief or thieves because of what was stolen. Some of the items taken were things that could be easily sold for cash, which might indicate someone having an addiction. Others didn’t seem to make any sense—art supplies, fabric, instant coffee, a tea kettle, my non-blooming Christmas cactus!

I wonder about this person or persons. What motivated him/them to do this? Does he/they have any idea how much the necessary repairs of broken locks ($600), a new, big window, and equipment replacement are costing the church?  What kept them/him from vandalizing when there was no one to stop them/him?

It will be interesting to see if this person or persons is/are ever caught. I would love to know his/their life story. I would also love it if the intersection of his/their life with CCC could somehow be transformed from a crime to a turning point in his/their life. We prayed for him/them in worship last Sunday, and I intend to continue doing so. Please join me in praying that out of the bad good may come.

“We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

In Christ’s love.

Pastor Candy

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