Happy Labor Day weekend!

Dear Congregation

Happy Labor Day weekend! I’m glad that you’re once again able to receive our church’s monthly e-newsletter, thanks to the labors of Miriam Grissett, our temporary Administrative Assistant. She has put much time and effort into learning a new computer skill. Fortunately for us, Miriam brings to the technical side of enewsletter editing and publishing her gift of creativity.  Thank you, Miriam!

This Labor Day I’m sure we continue to be especially aware of the many different types of jobs and workers that are a vital and necessary part of the fabric of our everyday lives. Before the pandemic hit we took so much for granted, didn’t we? Now I hope you join me in appreciating those who persevered in their necessary work so we could have groceries, health care, sanitation, and so much more. No job done well is insignificant.

 Labor Day also heralds a return to a little more structured fall schedule. At CCC we will resume Bible Study on Monday, September 13th from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on ZOOM. I encourage you to join even if you haven’t been involved in a Bible Study before. We always have interesting discussions as we think about how scripture intersects with real life and share our experiences. Hopefully other spiritual growth opportunities will be offered this fall, even as we continue to be mindful of pandemic precautions.

 I do want to thank Council/Trustees for extending my call as your Designated-Term Minister for another year. I have now begun my fourth year here at CCC. While surely none of us could have imagined the challenges we would face during our time together, it has been a joy to minister with such support and affirmation from you. As the saying goes, “We do not know what the future holds, but we know Who holds the future!” May God continue to bless our work together and CCC’s future.

In Christ’s love,

Pastor Candy

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