Epiphany Greetings!

Dear Congregation,

Epiphany Greetings! I hope this new season of the church year will be one in which you experience the light of Christ in your life and pass that light on to others!

This Sunday we will resume worshipping in our Sanctuary again after our brief foray out into the Garden Chapel. Although it is lovely and peaceful outdoors, technical issues with our improvised (and borrowed) camera and sound equipment will allow for people to hear better and for improved safely. As it is now, the many cords and wires stretching across pathways are hazards. The hope is that in the future CCC will be able to afford to install a badly needed, quality sound system which we’ll all appreciate!

In addition to Sunday being the First Sunday after Epiphany, it is designated as The Baptism of Christ. As we have done in prior years, we will remember and reaffirm our own baptismal vows. Each worshipper will have the opportunity to receive a blessing with water and may take a crystal from the Baptismal Font as a keepsake. I hope you’ll be present, either in person or on Facebook, for this meaningful service.

I leave you with this quote I like by Jan Richardson. “… the small-g graces flow out from Big Grace and come to meet us in the midst of our daily life, helping us know we are beloved and inspiring us to respond in love to an often graceless world.”

Remember that each of you is God’s beloved!

In Christ’s love,

Pastor Candy

click here to download this week's bulletin!