Congregational Meeting

Dear Congregation,

Grace and peace to you! This Sunday after worship our annual Congregational Meeting will be held in Kelsey Hall while we enjoy a light lunch together. In this way, we can all give the necessary attention to the important items on the agenda as By-Laws changes, a property sale offer, and a slate of names for positions to be filled on Church Council are presented for your vote. Even though the meeting may take some time, I promise you that we’ll adjourn before the Super Bowl starts!

It is of vital importance that every CCC member be present, either in-person or virtually on ZOOM. Lorrie is sending out the ZOOM Invitation and the updated By-Laws in an email. Please take the time to look over the By-Laws carefully as there are major changes in them affecting church life. There will be opportunities for you to volunteer at this meeting to be a part of the new Ministries. I pray you will seriously consider where your gifts and interests might best be used to serve Christ in the church.

Just as a reminder, CCC’s By-Laws regarding Membership state, “Members shall pledge themselves to attend services of worship with reasonable regularity, avail themselves of the Sacraments, live a Christian life to the best of their ability, share in the life and work of the church fellowship, contribute to the support of the church and its benevolent programs, and seek diligently after the spiritual welfare of one another and others in the community.”

You will receive the 2021 ANNUAL REPORT on Sunday which documents another unusual year because of the Covid-19 pandemic, along with its variants. Thanks to Lorrie LeGrand, Council President and Moderator, for her extraordinary leadership, to Church Council for their work and faithful commitment to CCC, and to each of you who have done your part in keeping the church alive and well.

I look forward to being with you on Sunday in this pivotal time of planning for CCC’s future. May we feel the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit as we gather together as Christ’s church.

In Christ’s love,

Pastor Candy

click here to download this week's bulletin!