Advent Blessings to you!

Dear Congregation,

Advent Blessings to you! This coming Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Advent already. Time seems to have flown by so quickly this year! I hope you’ll join us in worship as Andy, Antonia, and Anasofia Godley-Juarez will read the liturgy and light the last purple candle “LOVE” on the Advent Wreath. Our focus scripture is Matthew 1:18-25, the story of Joseph’s faithful response to an angel of the LORD who comes to him in a dream.

The poinsettias will have arrived by Sunday, adding to the beauty of the Sanctuary. Be sure to notice the bulletin boards on the breezeway next to the Sanctuary where Miriam has done a great job of decorating. A lovely, colorful. original drawing by Rita Smith is displayed there. Thank you, Rita and Miriam! Indeed “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” at CCC.

After worship you’ll have an opportunity to help CCC get ready for the 5p.m. Candlelight Christmas Eve worship service. We have luminary bags to prepare. Each luminary needs to have crystal stones added to weigh it down and a flameless candle placed carefully in the bag. These luminaries will look lovely outside the Sanctuary entrance and will light the path to the Garden Chapel to which we’ll process at the end of the service. There we’ll sing “Silent Night” as we hold our candles, being reminded that, as Christ is the light of the world, his followers are to extend the light of His love into the world.

You’ll also have the opportunity to put the little white candles into the protectors—paper disks or plastic cups—to guard against hot wax drips. There will also be battery-operated candles available for children and for anyone who is more comfortable holding one. As they say, “Many hands make light work!”

I hope you will be present in worship this Sunday, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day, nourishing your spirit with the beauty, peace, hope, joy, and love to be found here.

In Christ’s love,

Pastor Candy

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