We continue on our Lenten journey that has focused in Sunday worship on God’s covenant with God’s people.

Dear Congregation,

I hope all is well with you!

We continue on our Lenten journey that has focused in Sunday worship on God’s covenant with God’s people. You might remember that we began on the first Sunday in Lent with the symbol of the rainbow on the cross, reminding us of God’s covenant promise to Noah and his sons. Stretching that symbolism further, Jesus could be seen as a ‘living rainbow’ of hope and love. And so I share with you a favorite poem of mine with it’s premise and challenge that each of us be a “walking rainbow.

See you Sunday!

In Christ’s love,

Pastor Candy


A rainbow is not just a symphony of colors

sent to calm the storm in our souls;

it is a talk with God,

a mysterious, miraculous conversation with God,

heart to heart,

the very heart of God saying to our hearts:

“I remember I am your God.

Be my walking rainbows,

so that the whole world

will know to whom you belong,

for I am the God who keeps promises,

and I have not forgotten our covenant.”

This is the hope of the church:

that God keeps promises.

The mission of the church is to

walk among the suffering and give,

for we are covenant keepers,

walking rainbows,

bringing the hope of the good news to the poor.


Ann Weems

from Kneeling in Jerusalem

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