Thank you so much!

Dear Congregation,
It was great to have a good attendance in worship before our Annual Meeting last Sunday! It was also a positive that some members who were unable to be present in person were intentional about returning their ballots in advance or coming on ZOOM to vote for their Settled Pastor.
Thanks to our CCC Women for setting up coffee and snacks in back of the Sanctuary, allowing those present a chance to refresh themselves on a short break between worship and the Annual Meeting.
In the Annual Meeting we had a chance to look back at 2022 in the life of the church. Thanks to everyone who contributed in any way to making it a faithful and fruitful year! I hope you take the time to read the whole Annual Report and celebrate all that has been accomplished with God’s help. Thanks to Miriam Grissett for an outstanding job of putting the report together.
The Annual Budget was approved with the understanding that it will be updated after funds are received from the purchase of CCCs property to reflect the church’s new reality. All members present had the opportunity to ask questions and to share their concerns.
I was very pleased to learn that the vote on the motion to call to me to be your Settled Pastor was “YES”! Thank you so much! I will do my best to be faithful to your confidence in me as we work together to be the Body of Christ in this time and place.
We are tentatively planning for a Service of Installation in May. You will be informed when a date is set with Florida Conference representatives.
It is a privilege to serve God with you, trusting that God will be with us into a future that is full of possibilities. May we be blessed to be a blessing!
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Candy
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