My heart is indeed full of praise and thanksgiving to God that our country has turned a page with new national leadership.

Dear Congregation,

This Doxology pretty much expresses my feelings both during, and in the aftermath of, the Inauguration Ceremony activities for President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris.

     Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

     Praise God, all creatures here below;

     Praise God above, ye heavenly host;

     Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

My heart is indeed full of praise and thanksgiving to God that our country has turned a page with new national leadership. I imagine that many of you watched and listened to the television coverage of the events along with me and were also touched by the many inspiring words and images.

The sight of the 400 lights honoring the 400, 000 Americans who died from Covid-19 around the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool was a lovely and sobering testimony to the reality and worth of the lives claimed by the pandemic. Words spoken by the president and vice-president and by the young poet laureate Amanda Gorman took us to a place of possibility for a better future in which truth counts and where all people are treated with respect.

The laying of the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery by the new president and vice-president, as the cameras swept over the tombstones of the 400,000 veterans buried there, was a reminder of the cost of war, redoubling a commitment to peace.

Vignettes showing stories of real people who have made positive contributions in their local communities to help those in need were truly inspiring.

The flame of hope seems to burn brighter today and for that I am grateful. Let us pray regularly for the leaders of our nation that they may have the wisdom and courage to lead us into a future that is more closely aligned with God’s vision of justice and mercy for all. Let us commit to do our part, as individuals and as a church, to help make that future a reality.

In Christ’s love and hope,

Pastor Candy

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