When I was a child, Labor Day used to mark the end of summer vacation!

Dear Congregation,
When I was a child, Labor Day used to mark the end of summer vacation, as school would begin again right after the holiday. It signaled to us kids that it was time to get back to work. Now, here in Miami, and in many other places, school starts in August, before Labor Day. Now it doesn’t have the same meaning for children and youth.
The focus of the holiday, especially since the pandemic lockdown, is on the importance of work and workers that we probably took for granted before, especially essential workers, health care providers, and others. We also gained a new appreciation for the work we ourselves do, as far as it contributes to our emotional well-being. Work, at it’s best, gives our life meaning and purpose. It’s also through work that we are part of a web of relationships that enrich our lives.
Here at CCC I am inviting you, whether working in the secular world or retired, to join the congregation in some meaningful work. As we look to the future with the changes and opportunities that will come to us with the sale of the property, becoming tenants rather than landlords, and having the funds to expand our mission and ministry, we have work to do. I cannot emphasize enough how important each of you is to the process!
There are several opportunities for you to do the work of sharing your thoughts and ideas, hopes and dreams for the church. The first of these is to complete A.S.A.P. the Interactive Survey that is included in this mailing. On Sunday, September 18th, Neal Watkins, Minister for Congregational Life of the Florida Conference will lead us in a Churchwide Visioning Day following worship. A potluck lunch will be served. Information from this survey will be helpful to him as he plans for this event. It is very important that you attend that day.
On Sunday, October 9th, the focus will be on how CCC will manage the finances that will be realized from the sale. After worship, again with a light lunch, Michael Downs will be with us to share his experience as past president of the UCC Pension Boards and current board member of the Florida Conference. Mike has worked with many churches as a volunteer in his retirement, advising them on their finances. Also presenting will be Ms. Stacy Pettis, executive with United Church Funds. It is also of primary importance that you attend worship and these conversations.
You may not realize that, as best we can determine, our church membership is at 53 souls. That is obviously a number we pray will grow, but it means that each of you is vitally important. As a congregational church it is the members that make the decisions, with God’s leading. And so, it is vital that each of us has the information necessary to make informed decisions. I can’t emphasize enough that it is vitally important that each of you does the work by showing up, in person or on ZOOM.
A restful holiday come Monday to you.
See you in worship on Sunday.
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Candy
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