Happy Father’s Day!

Dear Congregation,

I hope all is well with you after the spell of heavy rain and flooding we’ve experienced. I know I was doing some praying as I drove home from church on Wednesday and found myself in deep water many times! Thankfully I made it safely, praise God!

As announced, I will be on vacation from Sunday, June 16th returning to lead worship on Sunday, June 30th. In my absence Rev. Lisa LeSeur will lead worship on June 16th and Rev. Victor Stanley will lead worship on June 23rd. I know I can count on you to give both of them a warm CCC welcome!

In the event that there are any pastoral emergencies, please contact Tracy Williams, Administrative Assistant, or Bianca Montenegro, Program Manager.

I will be flying to Ohio to visit family and friends.

Take care and stay dry!

In Christ’s love,

Pastor Candy