Event Series Thanksgiving Offering

Thanksgiving Offering

Christ Congregational 14920 SW 67 Ave, Miami, FL, United States

THANKSGIVING OFFERING: The Mission Outreach Committee invites you to help them provide a gift of food to several families they have identified who are facing financial difficulties and for whom a little something “extra” from Publix will be a special Thanksgiving Blessing.  Please use the special envelopes for the “Thanksgiving Basket Fund” to make your gift. Thank you.

Event Series Thanksgiving Offering

Thanksgiving Offering

Christ Congregational 14920 SW 67 Ave, Miami, FL, United States

THANKSGIVING OFFERING: The Mission Outreach Committee invites you to help them provide a gift of food to several families they have identified who are facing financial difficulties and for whom a little something “extra” from Publix will be a special Thanksgiving Blessing.  Please use the special envelopes for the “Thanksgiving Basket Fund” to make your gift. Thank you.

Event Series Thanksgiving Offering

Thanksgiving Offering

Christ Congregational 14920 SW 67 Ave, Miami, FL, United States

THANKSGIVING OFFERING: The Mission Outreach Committee invites you to help them provide a gift of food to several families they have identified who are facing financial difficulties and for whom a little something “extra” from Publix will be a special Thanksgiving Blessing.  Please use the special envelopes for the “Thanksgiving Basket Fund” to make your gift. Thank you.


Christ Congregational 14920 SW 67 Ave, Miami, FL, United States

On Sunday, December 3, we will prepare for our celebration of Christmas by decorating the Sanctuary with evergreens, wreaths, holly & poinsettias, mistletoe, and a Christmas Tree during the 10:30 a.m. worship.  ALL THE CHILDREN of the church are invited to help us decorate.  PARENTS: It would be very helpful if your children could be present by 10:00 a.m. that morning for a [...]

4th Quarterly Special Offerings for OCWM

Christ Congregational 14920 SW 67 Ave, Miami, FL, United States

SUPPORT OUR CHURCH’S WIDER MISSION! Next Sunday, December 10, we will receive the 4th of our Quarterly Special Offerings for OCWM (Our Church’s Wider Mission).  This offering indicates our commitment to remain in covenant with our sisters and brothers across the nation in the United Church of Christ.  Our gifts to OCWM provide support to the wider mission and ministry [...]

Christmas Worship Schedule December 24th

Christ Congregational 14920 SW 67 Ave, Miami, FL, United States

10:00 a.m. Celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Advent with Holy Communion.  We will light the 4th Candle on our Advent Wreath, hear special music from our Choir, a message from Pastor Hudder, and share in Holy Communion.  (NOTE:There will be only one morning worship in the Sanctuary.) Child Care available. 6:00 p.m. Celebrate the Birth of the Christ Child on Christmas Eve with your Church family [...]

Event Series Christmas Eve Family Worship

Christmas Eve Family Worship

Christ Congregational 14920 SW 67 Ave, Miami, FL, United States

Join us for Worship in a family-friendly atmosphere as we celebrate the birth of the Baby Jesus beginning at 6:00 p.m.  Children of all ages are welcome as we remember the ancient Christmas story, enjoy several special music selections from our Choir and Praise Band and sing favorite Christmas carols.  There will be a special [...]

New Years Eve Worship

Christ Congregational 14920 SW 67 Ave, Miami, FL, United States

10:00 a.m. Close 2017 and prepare your heart for 2018 by gathering with your Church family to celebrate with Holy Communion.  Child Care available.

Installation of Church Leaders

Christ Congregational 14920 SW 67 Ave, Miami, FL, United States

CHURCH LEADERS TO BE INSTALLED SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11 during the 10:30 a.m. worship.  Those newly elected today as well as those continuing to serve on Boards and Committees will be affirmed in their work by the congregation as we bless them and pledge our support as they lead us in our common ministry for 2018.

Ash Wednesday

Christ Congregational 14920 SW 67 Ave, Miami, FL, United States

ASH WEDNESDAY, February 14, 2018 Worship & Prayers at 6:00 p.m.  In the Garden Chapel. This begins the Season of Lent and Pastor Hudder invites you to join him in remembering that YOU are God’s Valentine and that no matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, God’s love is always available to you.  There will be [...]