Greetings, my friends, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior!
Dear Congregation,
Greetings, my friends, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! I know that this post-Presidential Inauguration week has been a difficult one for many of us! We have watched and listened to news reports of presidential orders for mass deportations of immigrants, statements attacking LGBTQ+ rights, and the removal of protections for promoting diversity.
We are reeling and may feel we have entered some alternate reality.
But in the midst of this, I hope you have also seen and heard the voices raised in opposition. For those of you who were able to watch Monday night’s worship service, the preaching of our UCC General Minister and President, The Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson, was truly inspiring as she reflected on the words from the Biblical book of Esther, “…perhaps you were born for such a time as this!” I urge you to watch that recorded service as a means of nourishing your spirit. More than twenty faith leaders shared words of hope and commitment to following Jesus law of love lived out in concrete ways. It will do your heart good to hear them!
I also want to say that I am full of admiration for Episcopal Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde’s brave words in her homily in the Washington National Cathedral’s Service of Prayer for the Nation, a plea for mercy to the president. If you haven’t seen it I urge you to watch it! This is what it means to speak the truth to power.
On Thursday, January 30th at 7 p.m. you are invited to participate in a ZOOM call (ID 691 735 4836) , a “Post-Inauguration Conversation”, in which we can share our thoughts and feelings with each other. I urge you to join.
I’m quite sure there will be opportunities in CCC’s future to act as Christ’s Body in this time and place. In the words of the hymn, “They will know we are Christians by our love.” May God make us brave, faithful and loving for all humanity!
In Christ’s Justice and Peace.
Pastor Candy
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