Blanket the World With Love
Dear Congregation,
This coming Sunday the annual Church World Service Blanket the World With Love mission and outreach opportunity will begin at CCC. For each $10 donation a blanket will be purchased for someone who needs one. On the blanket hung in the front of the Sanctuary you are invited to pin a heart on in memory or honor of a loved one.
We know that there is much need in our world as a result of natural disasters, war, homelessness, and other tragedies. By providing blankets to those in need we let those who will receive them know we care.
As Shirlyn Thomas, Co-Pastor at God’s Kingdom and restoration Ministries, Galveston, TX, writes, “To all the volunteers, the donors of CWS: God bless you! You are touching the hearts of people you will never meet. You are bringing hope to people that are hopeless and bringing hope to people that feel so disenfranchised. God bless you. God keep you! Keep doing what you are doing because you are making a difference.”
Thanks to Karen Kett, Chair, and our Ministry of Mission and Outreach for sharing this opportunity to make a difference with our congregation!
I hope to see you in worship Sunday when we will be sharing the love of Christ in sacrament of Holy Communion.
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Candy
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