An early Merry Christmas
Dear Congregation,
An early Merry Christmas to each of you! As I’ve heard from many, and have experienced myself, it seems impossible that Christmas Eve is Tuesday. I think one reason for this is because the Sunday after Thanksgiving isn’t usually the first Sunday of Advent, as it was this year. It’s almost as if we lost a week somehow!
However, whether we’re feeling ready or not, as far as being up to speed with our usual worldly preparations—shopping, baking, Christmas letter writing, and card sending—the good news is that Christmas will come. Heaven knows “We Need a Little Christmas!” as the song written by Johnny Matthes goes!
I (and perhaps you, too) especially resonate with the words of verses three and four this year.
For I’ve grown a little leaner, grown a little colder
Grown a little sadder, grown a little older
And I need a little angel sitting on my shoulder
Need a little Christmas now.
For we need a little music, need a little laughter
Need a little singing ringing through the rafter
And we need a little snappy, happy ever after
We need a little Christmas now.
The Good News is that when we remember the ‘reason for the season’, Jesus’ birth, with all it meant and means for the world, we can take heart amid all the worries and challenges of today and tomorrow. We are reminded that the baby grew up! Because of him there will ultimately be a “happy, ever after”.
I do hope that you’re able to attend worship in person or on Facebook, on this final Sunday of Advent when the LOVE candle is lit, and on Christmas Eve at 6:30 p.m. It is always a special time at the end of the Christmas Eve service when we stand together in the beauty of the candlelight in the Garden Chapel as we sing “Silent Night.”
Christmas Blessings.
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Candy
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