A new school year began today!
Dear Congregation,
I pray that all is well with you! A new school year began today in our Miami-Dade Schools and so we wish students, teachers, administrators, and all who are part of the system a good and safe year!
We were grateful to bless backpacks in worship last Sunday which have gone to SOS in Homestead for children whose families they service to help them get off to a good start. Thank you for your contributions! Thanks also to Karen Kett, Chair of the Mission and Outreach Ministry for leading and coordinating this annual project!
I invite you to be present in worship this Sunday to experience the joy of having our Praise Band share their music (with a drummer!) and the joy of receiving new members into our faith community. They are the Rodriguez family—Orlando, Caroline, Orly, Justin, and Ryan. We’ll give them a warm welcome and there will be cake in their honor afterward in Kelsey Hall during the Fellowship Hour!
As we move forward together I want you to know that some wonderful things are in the works for our church and community. We’ll be sharing more updates with you soon, so be sure to pay special attention to Bee’s Corner. You won’t want to miss what’s coming next!
God Bless You!
In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Candy