About Us

Worship Services

Social Justice


Yoga & Fitness

About Us

Heatlh & Wellbeing

Social Justice

Community Outreach

Vision Statement:

A dynamic community united in God’s love, shaping a more just and compassionate world!

Welcome to CCUCC

Worship With Us Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in our Sanctuary.

At Christ Congregational Church, we strive to love one another as God has loved us and welcome one another as Christ has welcomed us. Therefore, we are an Open and Affirming church, loving and welcome all people in all of God’s variety: including racial, ethnic, and economic diversity, gender diversity and expression, sexual orientation, and physical and mental abilities.

Worship Virtually with Us

Experience Community from Wherever You Are

At Christ Congregational UCC, we believe that worship should be accessible to all, no matter where you are. If you can’t join us in person, we invite you to worship with us virtually every Sunday at 10:30 am through our live stream on Facebook. Connect with our inclusive and loving community, engage in uplifting worship, hear thought-provoking sermons, and participate in prayer and reflection—all from the comfort of your home. Whether you are near or far, you are always welcome to be part of our faith journey. Join our online worship, share in the experience, and feel the spirit of fellowship that unites us all. We look forward to having you with us virtually!

Upcoming Events at CCUCC

Gather, Celebrate, and Make a Difference Together

Chair Yoga

March 26 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Sunday Worship Service

March 30 @ 10:30 am - 11:30 am

Chair Yoga

April 2 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Sunday Worship Service

April 6 @ 10:30 am - 11:30 am

All Are Welcome!

We are an Open and Affirming (ONA) church, loving and welcoming all people in all of God’s variety; including racial, ethnic, and economic diversity, gender diversity and expression, sexual orientation, and physical and mental abilities.

Our Church Blog

Scroll through the Good News at CCUCC

  • Dear Congregation, Happy spring to you! As of yesterday we are officially in a new season which those of us who previously lived up north used [...]

Church Fun from Last Month

We Are United Church of Christ

We are a beacon of unwavering love, where equal rights shine as brightly as the morning sun. We cherish this earth as sacred, and we rise boldly in the name of justice. We are the echo of ancient truths, a bold witness to justice in every age, standing unshaken in our calling to be Christ’s hands and feet. Come, join us, and become a spark in the wildfire of love that transforms this world.