Messy Church Dinner

Dear Congregation,

I pray that all is well with you!

I am excited about, and looking forward to, our first Messy Church Dinner experience this Sunday! This is an intergenerational time of casual worship and community to be held in Kelsey Hall from 4-5:30 p.m. I hope, and expect, to see some familiar faces as church members and friends come to share in this time together, but also hope and expect to see some new faces! We have been advertising heavily in the community and have already received advance registrations. I’m sure you’ve been doing your part and spreading the word among family, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, etc. Thanks!

To give you a sneak peek, our scripture focus will be on the courage and faithfulness of Daniel and his friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Although there won’t be real lions in the dramatic presentation, I did think we should have them represented, so you can see me holding a lion as a prop in the picture. It is admittedly small, but you should hear it roar!

Come enjoy a time of lively music, games, table conversation, food, and crafts as we experience church in a different way.

Peace and blessings.

Pastor Candy

By Published On: September 27th, 2024Categories: Church NewsComments Off on Messy Church Dinner

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