Outreach at CCUCC

At Christ Congregational, we’re not just a church—we’re a community dedicated to making a difference in the world around us.

Through our Outreach programs and events, we extend a helping hand to those in need and spread love and compassion far and wide. 

Join us as we embark on a journey of service and solidarity, where every act of kindness leaves a lasting impact. Whether it’s volunteering at our events, organizing food and clothing drives, or participating in Justice Luncheons and demonstrations for peace and justice, there’s no shortage of opportunities to make a difference. 

Our Outreach goes beyond traditional service projects. We’re committed to advocating for justice and equality, standing up for marginalized communities, and promoting positive change in society. From hosting Justice Luncheons to collaborating with local organizations and activists, we’re dedicated to being a force for good in our community and beyond. 

And it’s not just about giving back—it’s about building meaningful connections and fostering a sense of belonging for all. Through our Outreach programs and events, you’ll have the chance to meet new people, forge lasting friendships, and become part of a community that cares deeply about making the world a better place. 

Pride Parade Participation: Join us as we march in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community during the annual Pride Parade. Show your support for love, equality, and inclusion as we celebrate diversity and promote acceptance for all. 

Citizenship Drives: Be a part of our Citizenship Drives, where we assist eligible individuals in navigating the citizenship application process. From providing guidance on paperwork to offering study materials for the citizenship test, we’re dedicated to helping immigrants achieve their dreams of becoming U.S. citizens. 

Donation Drives for Families and Individuals in Need: Help us collect donations for families and individuals facing financial hardship. From essential items like food, clothing, and hygiene products to school supplies and household necessities, your contributions make a direct impact on those in our community who need it most. 

Justice Luncheons: Attend our Justice Luncheons, where we gather to discuss pressing social justice issues and explore ways to create positive change in our community and beyond. Engage in meaningful conversations with like-minded individuals and be inspired to take action for justice and equality. 

Volunteer Opportunities: Explore various volunteer opportunities available through our church, including serving meals at homeless shelters, tutoring students in local schools, and participating in environmental conservation projects. 

These Outreach events embody our commitment to serving our community and making a difference in the lives of those who need it most. Join us in spreading hope, compassion, and support to individuals and families in need! 

All Are Welcome!

We are an Open and Affirming (ONA) church, loving and welcoming all people in all of God’s variety; including racial, ethnic, and economic diversity, gender diversity and expression, sexual orientation, and physical and mental abilities.

Social Justice

We are committed to justice, equality, and transforming our world through faith in action.

At Christ Congregational, our commitment to social justice extends beyond our local community to make a global impact. Through donations and active participation, we strive to bring about meaningful change and support those in need.

By combining our financial support with hands-on activism, Christ Congregational Church is dedicated to making a profound impact both locally and globally. Join us in our mission to champion social justice, support marginalized communities, and create a world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. Together, we can make a difference! 

Below are just some of the ways we make a difference:

CWS Blankets: We support the Church World Service by donating blankets to provide warmth and comfort to those affected by natural disasters and poverty around the world. (More Info) 

Middle East Help: We contribute to the United Church of Christ’s efforts to support the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), providing aid to those impacted by conflicts in the Middle East. (More Info) 

Immokalee Fair Housing Alliance: Through our partnership with the UCC Florida Conference, we collectively donate to the Immokalee Fair Housing Alliance, advocating for fair housing and improved living conditions for farmworkers in Florida.

Pride Parade: Join us as we march in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community during the Pride Parade on Miami Beach, celebrating diversity and promoting acceptance for all. 

March for Peace: Participate in the March for Peace in partnership with MOSAIC, standing together to advocate for non-violence and social justice. 

School Board Meetings: We actively attend local school board meetings to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, oppose book bans, and support inclusive education. 

Environmental Stewardship

At Christ Congregational, we are committed to caring for God’s creation and becoming an Environmental Stewardship church. We are at our first steps toward this important goal. We are in the process forming a dedicated leadership group, or “Green Team.” 

Our Green Team will be instrumental in guiding our congregation through the process of becoming a Creation Justice Church, as outlined by the United Church of Christ. This involves a multi-step journey, and we are currently on step one: building a passionate and knowledgeable team to lead our environmental initiatives. 

As a Green Team, we will: 

  • Assess Our Current Environmental Impact: Understand our church’s environmental footprint and identify areas for improvement. 
  • Set Goals and Priorities: Establish clear, actionable goals for our congregation to reduce our environmental impact and promote sustainability. 
  • Engage and Educate: Involve our congregation in learning about environmental justice and the importance of stewardship, fostering a culture of care for creation. 
  • Implement Green Practices: Develop and implement sustainable practices within our church community, from reducing waste to conserving energy. 

We believe that by starting with a strong foundation, we can make meaningful progress toward becoming a Creation Justice Church. Our journey will involve collaboration, education, and action, and we invite all members of our congregation to join us in this vital mission. 

Together, we can honor God’s creation and work towards a more sustainable and just world. Stay tuned for updates on our progress and opportunities to get involved with our Green Team. Let’s make a positive impact on our environment, one step at a time! 

Creation Justice Ministries

Creation Justice Ministries (formerly the National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program) represents the creation care and environmental justice policies of major Christian denominations throughout the United States. We work in cooperation with 38 national faith bodies including Protestant denominations and Orthodox communions as well as regional faith groups, and congregants to protect and restore God’s Creation.